Seven Cities Church Podcast
The official podcast for Seven Cities Church in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia. Seven Cities Church exists to guide people to life in Christ. This podcast contains our weekly messages as well as special content from our pastors and other contributors.
179 episodes
Sabbath Sunday - March 2, 2025
Sabbath Sunday is a day of rest and connection. We are resting so we can focus our attention more fully on God, His creation, and those He has placed near us. In the spirit of connection, we are replaying a message from our series, Living the J...

Signed, Sealed, & Delivered
Today, we close out our Spiritual Blessings series, a study of Ephesians 1:3-14. Join us as Pastor Jay shows us how God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are active in our lives and how each have a part in our salvations. Today's...

The Mystery Revealed
Do you know what it means to be saved and adopted into the family of God? Join us today as we continue our series, Spiritual Blessings, learning about the mystery of God's will by studying Ephesians 1:8-10.

Redemption in the Beloved
Join us as we continue in our series Spiritual Blessings, a study of Ephesians 1:3-14. Today, we are unpacking verses 6 and 7 and answering some big questions like what is redemption, what does it mean to be redeemed, and why did Jesus have to ...

Licensure Sunday
Today we celebrate all that God is doing at Seven Cities Church as we license five men for Gospel ministry. Licensure is an acknowledgment of God's call on the life of the one being licensed and the church's recognition that these men have subm...

Rescued & Adopted
Before time began, God the Father had a plan to rescue you and me through Christ the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit. We are chosen by Him and made a part of His family. We've been rescued and adopted! Join us as we learn more about God's p...

Spiritual Blessings in Christ
Join us as we kick off our new series, Spiritual Blessings. We are learning about the blessings God has given us in His spirit in the heavenly places according to Ephesians 1:3-14. In this opening message we discuss the Apostle Paul's exclamati...

Let's Talk Fasting & Prayer
Have you ever struggled to pray? Do you know what it means to fast? Do either of these things even work? Join us as Pastor Jay walks us through the words of Jesus in Matthew 6 and helps us learn how we can implement the spiritual practices of f...

Revive Me
In 2025, we are asking God to Revive us - to breathe His life into us through the power of His Holy Spirit. Join us today as Pastor Jay talks to us about the spiritual practices in our life and how our practices impact the way we live in ...

Two Barren Women and a Virgin
Do you believe God to be God of the impossible in your life? That is our question for the day as we look at the Promise of Jesus through the lives of two barren women and a virgin. In these three instances, God shows that He truly is God of all...

God With Us
The Old Testament has several prophecies about the birth of Jesus. Today we focus on the one found in Isaiah 7:14 - the promise of Jesus as Immanuel, God with us."

Finding Contentment in a World of Comparison
We live in a world of constant comparison. Living in constant comparison breeds discontent. How can we find contentment in a world of comparison. Join us as Pastor Jay teaches us how to find contentment in Christ when we are surrounded by compa...

Waiting Contently - Finding Contentment as We Wait
Have you ever had to wait for something? Most people don't like to wait but we cannot allow waiting to rob us of our contentment. Join us as we learn how we can wait contently and honor God in our lives as we wait on Him.

Great Gain - Finding Contentment in Christ
Join us as during this Thanksgiving season as we kick of this 3-part series, Enough is Enough, learning about the art of gratitude and contentment. We are starting by learning what contentment really is and answering the question, "Am I truly c...

Reaching One More
Is God real? Do I really matter to him? Can I have a real relationship with him? Have you ever wrestled with those questions? Join us as we close out our series, Living the Journey, learning how to be a disciple in the Seven Cities. We are goin...

Moved with Compassion
Do you know what it means to have compassion? Not sympathy, but true, biblical compassion. Join us as Pastor Jay teaches us about biblical compassion and challenges us to be moved with the compassion as Jesus was moved with compassion.

Living a Surrendered Life
What does it mean to live a surrendered life? We often avoid the thought of surrender because we equate surrender with losing. What if we told you that the only way you can find true victory is through surrender to Christ. Join us as Pastor Jay...

Living an Unhurried Life
Do you feel like you are always in a rush? Like nothing ever happens fast enough for you. What causes us to live so hurried? Join us as we learn how to be still and live more like Jesus lived, unhurried.

Seven Cities Church's 4th Birthday WKND
Join as we celebrate our 4th birthday and hear a special message from Pastor Jay on who we are as a church and where we are headed in 2025.

Living in Obedience to Christ - Part 2
Join us as we finish up the mark of a disciple, living in obedience to Christ. Last week we learned the technical side of how to study the Bible. This week, Pastor Jay answers the questions we submitted and teaches us the relational side of stu...

Living in Obedience to Christ - Part 1
Living in obedience to Christ requires us faithfully following all that Christ commanded, but how do we do that? It starts by being able to understand and apply all he taught us in His Word. Join us in the classroom today as we learn how to stu...

In Life-giving Relationships
We were designed for relationship, but not just any relationships; we were designed for life-giving relationships. Join us as we talk about our next characteristic of a Christ-follower, being in life-giving relationships. We are learning what m...

Growing in Grace
What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus in our cultural context? Join us as we kick off a new series, Living the Journey. We will explore what it looks like to be a Christ-follower where we are as we seek to become more like Jesus. We start...

Stories Jesus Told: The Laborers in the Vineyard
We can get so focused on the things we want but don't have that we miss the true blessing we have in Jesus. Join us as Caleb Berryman, our Student Minister, teaches us how to be content in Christ and see Jesus as the true prize, our eternal rew...